30 Great Ways to Make a Difference and Bring in More Light

Monday, January 27, 2014

Healing with Ten nebula


Ten Nebula (The Trillionairess) is a Goddess Priestess, Reiki Master, Oracle, Channeler, Shamaness and Psychic healer. She creates works dedicated to The Great Mother Goddess and the light & love vibrations.

Ten Nebula Healing Space offers phone sessions, treatments, workshops, and trainings to help you to grow, heal, clear, expand and be happier. We also offer monthly specials, so check out our online calendar. We offer healng work to local and nationwide clients.

*Phone sessions
*Healing treatments
*Group workshops
*Group healings
*Private instruction

Visit for more details.
Private Treatments - www.TheSpiralofTheGoddess.blogspot.com
Workshops & Classes - http://tennebulahealingspace.blogspot.com


Make Time to "Like Us" & Leave a Positive Testimonial

Thank you to all our clients, fans, & visitors!

Thanks to all our fans and visitors who stop by everyday and use our services!!!!!!
If you love our site and you find that it helps you and you want to show us some love, leave us a positive review or testimonial on a variety of sites.
Talk about our great website, informative videos, helpful info, and amazing services.

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"Ten Nebula" Youtube Channel

Leave Us a Positive Review & Testimonial

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( ) Tell a friend, co-worker, family member & anyone else you know who about our website & healing services

Thanks for your support!!!!!

Practice Karma Yoga Today & Support Ten Nebula's work.

Practice Karma Yoga Today.
Make a love donation to support Ten Nebula's work.
Your donations help to support Ten Nebula's path and work.
Give whatever.
Give $10, Give $50, Give $100, Give $500, Give $1,000.
Just give from the heart.

Just click on the Paypal "Donate" button above today.

Use my email address: T10nebula@hotmail.com to make your donation

Great Ways to Support Ten Nebula
1. Make a Monthly Online Donation using Paypal
2. Make a donation using "Paypal"
3. Give a Gift Certificate
4. Mail me a check
5. Create a fundraiser for my work & projects
6. Share my work with other people & organizations
7. Give my work a positive review or testimonial
8. Make time to "Like" my work
9. Offer me helpful suggestions to get better & brighter
10. Include blessings for me & my work in your daily spiritual practice
11. Inheritance - Leave me in your will

Contact Info
Email me for more info tennebula@gmail.com

Thanks for your support in all forms!!!!

Quotes by Ten nebula

"Light runs tings" -
Quote by Ten nebula

"Illusions may scream loudly but they are still illusions."
Quote By Ten nebula

Products by Ten nebula

Great & Exciting News!!!!!!!!

Upcoming products from Ten Nebula 
- New book on health, healing, & spirituality  ( 2020-2022)

- Music CD  (2023-2025)

- Holistic Healing Center ( 2025-2028)

Stay Tuned!!!!!

Aspects of a Healthy, Balanced Life

In order to have rich and balanced lives, we must intend on living rich and balanced lives. It is a process and we must be willing to do the proper work. That work may consist of having clear intentions, following your intuition, letting go when needed, using nonattachment and taking the right action. We all have different kinds of lives but we all want to be happy and we all want to heal.

1. Spiritual & Body care
2. Home
3. Family
4. Friends
5. Personal Time
6. Money & Abundance
7. Higher Learning & Education
8. Romantic Relationships
9. Travel
10. Work & Career
11. Karma Yoga/Volunteering work/Tithing

12. Physical Body care

To learn more ways to live more balanced,

visit http://livingaharmoniouslife.blogspot.com/

How May We Help You?

This site can help you to:

1. learn ways to change your life
2. learn ways to change the world
3. connect with helpful resources
4. focus on making a positive change everyday

Helpful sites to know when giving
1. charitynavigator.org
2. guidestar.org
3. give.org

I slept and dreamt that life was a joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.
Rabindranath Tagore

Activist Cheatsheet for the American People and U.S. Businesses

Created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)
The Ten Nebula Empire

Tips for U.S. People
-      -  Become an environmentalist. Celebrate Earth day. Recycle & compost.
-        - Vote in your city/state and federal (presidential) elections

-       - Strive to understand your basic human rights and lawful rights as U.S. citizens
-       Practice giving back. Donate, volunteer, and/or consider becoming a mentor on the regular basis. http://www.givingandkarmayoga.blogspot.com
-       - Adopt your pets from a nearby animal rescue shelter.

-       - Report all incidents, crimes, and forms of violence to the proper authorities. Become more helpful, honest, and brave.

-       - Encourage our U.S. businesses and legislation to keep our social media free of porn & nudity and always age appropriate.

-      -  Practice daily kindness.

Tips for U.S. Non- profits
-      -  Be sure to have Annual Reports on your website that can be download and reviewed.

-      -  Have seals for your company like Better Business Bureau (BBB), Guidestar, and Charity Navigator. https://www.charitynavigator.org/

-       - Make your company more green. Purchase recycle paper for the office. Recycle & compost. Use green cleaning products. Participate in Earth day events.

-       - Clear communication with the public: use websites, offer an info@ email address, use contact boxes, have phone numbers /clear business hour / fax numbers, & staff directory on sites

-        - Encourage our U.S. businesses and legislation to keep our social media free of porn & nudity and always age appropriate.

-       -  Align with and use best business practices & protocols for safety & efficiency– like cameras, job acceptance letters, ADP, termination letters, etc.

Tips for U.S. For- profit Businesses
-       - Make your company more green. Purchase recycle paper for the office. Recycle & compost.  Use green cleaning products. Participate in Earth day events.
-       - Practice giving back. Donate to U.S. non-profits on the regular basis.  Have staff volunteer at local non-profits a few times a year. Consider having a food drive and/or keeping a food drive barrel at your business for a local non-profit food bank.  http://www.givingandkarmayoga.blogspot.com

-       - Clear communication with the public: use websites, offer an info@ email address, use contact boxes, have phone numbers /clear business hour / fax numbers, & staff directory on sites
-       - Encourage our U.S. businesses and legislation to keep our social media free of porn & nudity and always age appropriate.

-       - Align with and use best business practices & protocols for safety & efficiency– like cameras, job acceptance letters, ADP, termination letters, etc.

Tips for U.S. Government Entities
-      -  Clear communication with the public: use websites, offer an info@ email address, use contact boxes, have phone numbers /clear business hour / fax numbers

-       - Have staff directory on all sites

-       - Make your companies more green. https://earthmothertennebula.blogspot.com/

-       - Strengthen laws surrounding misuse of technology. Example: Cyberstalking, Cyberbullying, NO porn or nudity on our social media, Make all social media age appropriate

-       - Make all medical charts electronic and available to all U.S. citizens in ONE COMPREHENSIVE online place so that their doctors & health practitioners have access to them

-      - Make all U.S. citizens IRS tax paperwork available to each citizen online and in electronic form

-       - Encourage and support alternative medicine/ Eastern medicines to get clinical trials so they are more accepted by the American public (Ex: Dr. Michael Gregor - https://nutritionfacts.org/

One: Heal Yourself, Heal The Whole

This is one of the most powerful ways to change the world
change yourself
You are a part of the whole
and we are all connected
what affects one
affects the others
when you heal yourself
and hold more light
you help the whole
you have more to offer
you become a positive force in the world
so heal yourself, your body, your beliefs, your wounds, your thoughts,
and your daily way of being

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”
― E.E. Cummings

Learn more, visit "Healthier Living, Healthier Being" -

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Two: Help Others

help others
in small and big ways
on the daily basis

open a door
offer a shoulder to cry on
give a compliment
listen to a problem
offer a prayer
be present for someone

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't------you're right.”
― Henry Ford